
MS Amlin

Responsive, give useful feedback for the client- both positive or negative. Good service. Able to turn things around and can be commercial when needed.

MS Amlin is a leading global (re)insurer and part of the MS&AD Insurance Group, the third largest insurance group in Japan.

MS Amlin Underwriting Limited offers a wide range of insurance and reinsurance products underwritten by Lloyd’s through Syndicate 2001.

2024 Insurindex Performance (powered by Gracechurch):

Ranked 16th in the London Market Brand Index.

Ranked 24th in the London Market Insurers Employer Brand Index.

Ranked 13th in the London Market Insurers Marketing Recall Index

 Achieved the Gracechurch London Claims Service Quality Marque for the first time in 2024.


“Underwriters are available, quick to respond, willing to lead/quote.”

“Timely responses, knowledgeable adjusters who are happy to engage in market meetings and initiatives.”