
Marine and Claims service: Why are claims brokers the least satisfied with Marine claims?

Of all the business lines in London, claims brokers are least satisfied with the service they receive on Marine claims. In Gracechurch’s latest London Claims Monitor, released in July 2023, the Net Promoter Score (NPS) for insurers who cover Marine is a full 12 points lower than for any other business line and, at -16, shows that the London Market has some serious issues.  

When asked what additional support London Marine brokers would like from insurers to help them in their claims management role, they highlighted a range of areas – mostly related to consistency, communication and response. In order, the top 6 key asks of the Marine insurers are: 

  • Better/consistent service levels (19%) 
  • Better/clearer communication (19%) 
  • Quicker responses (19%) 
  • More knowledgeable claims handlers (16%) 
  • Improved online access (14%) 
  • More regular updating of information (14%) 

Gracechurch’s Q3 London Claims Monitor will be released in October 2023, get in touch to learn more.