
The 2023 London’s Leading Underwriters Report is back!

London’s Leading Underwriters is a ranking of London Market underwriters, which garners more than 1,500 underwriter nominations, cover over 900 individual underwriters, making it a true peer review of underwriting talent in the sector.

The Report is evidence that more underwriters and companies than ever are being nominated and the importance of the human being in underwriting is seemingly undiminished despite the increase in e-trading systems.

The Report includes:

  • 11 categories of leading underwriters by class of business from marine, property, casualty, cyber and energy to overall underwriting leaders, leading women, and more!
  • Details of the 7 LLU2023 Award category winners, celebrating the best underwriting talent in the sector.
  • A spotlight on leading female underwriters, which highlights they are competing on a par with men; with peer analysis showing there is no difference in any aspects of underwriting talent, including leadership.

Download your personal copy here: The 2023 Leading London Underwriters – Insurindex (